Inasphere Wines & Market Dry Riesling VQA '19
$18.95 / 750ml
So you like your wine dry, crisp and easy to drink? This semi dry Riesling is it! A satisfying combination of apricot, honey and peaches on the nose along with dried mango and crisp pears on the palate. This wine provides a full mouth feel with a smooth long finish.
- Alcohol: 10.8%
- Residual Sugar: 13.2g/L
About Inasphere Wines & Market
Inasphere Wines & Market is a small farm winery in St Williams, Ontario. Primarily a quality-based vegetable farm, we look to continue our values into our new wine venture.
- [email protected]
- Located in St Williams ON
- Accepts Cash
- Accepts Tap Credit/Debit
- Accepts Bank E-Transfer
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