KarsNaturalKreations Beeswax Food Wrap 2-Pack (1 Small 1 Large)
$10.00 / each
These wicked wraps are used in substitute to your aluminum foil and cling wrap to cover your bowls, trays and end of cheese blocks. It is so cool because you can use use them to wrap your snacked in.
Karsnaturalkreations wants you to reduce your waste anyway possible and we believe this is an easy switch.
Size: one 12x12 and one 12x6
Easy to reuse and reduce your waste.
1. When dirty rinse wrap under lukewarm water with mild detergent
2. Hang to dry
3. Store in a clean, dry area until ready to use again
*This is not intended to replace aluminum foil used as a baking sheet. I recommend a stone tray or compostable parchment paper!*
End Of Life: This item can be used as a fire starter! rewax your wrap for a second life. Send us a message and we will share 'how to'! [email protected]
About KarsNaturalKreations
Hello! My name is Karleigh. We are a zero waste business from Brantford, Ontario running on passion and eco-conscious thoughts that are consistently being fuelled by our community. Thank you for continuing to support our small business. We will continue to keep giving back to our Mama Earth in any way we can. As a business, we do so much more than sell products. We host zero waste workshops and monthly clean-ups in our community.
- [email protected]
- Located in Brantford ON
- Accepts Cash
- Accepts Bank E-Transfer
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